Aires Download

The AIRES is a computer program developed to assist both Federal and state examiners in performing their credit union examinations. AIRES utilizes advanced computer hardware and software tools, improving the way we use our resources and producing a high-quality examination product.

  • Minimizes routine clerical and administrative duties currently performed by examiners
  • Provides electronic access to information from various sources using modern computer-assisted auditing techniques to review and evaluate credit union data
  • Improves communications with credit union officials
  • Provides a flexible examination system that can easily adapt to our dynamic industry

OK now how does it work?

When your examiners arrive you simply run the AIRES file creation program and download it to a disk. Your examiners then upload the file to their examination program and days worth of work for both you and your examiner are complete in seconds. Saving you the time of gathering and printing hundreds of reports and answering thousands of questions.

Bank Secrecy Act / Anti-Money Laundering

As new regulations are released by governing bodies AMI has and will continue to release updates to our programs to reflect these new regulations and bring our customers into compliance. A great example of this philosophy is the significant enhancements we have recently completed to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act which is part of the Patriot Act. The new regulations can be viewed and downloaded from

You can be assured that as new regulations are passed or changes are made to existing ones, AMI will be standing by to help our customers come into compliance.

Data Match

Data Match is a program designed by state agencies across the United States to combat the non-payment of child support payments. AMI makes it easy for our customers to comply with Data Match programs from different states by supplying the data file the states request in the format they request to check their list of offenders against your membership. We make it even easier for our clients by performing the search for them up to 12 times a year. So either performing the match yourself or having AMI complete the task for you we give you the peace of mind to make sure no one in your membership is an offender of non-payment of child support.


FinCEN – Financial Crimes Enforecement Network Module Overview: FinCEN, or Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, is a division of the US Department of Treasury that, as its name suggests, is dedicated to uncovering financial crime. FinCEN’s mission is to enhance U.S. National Security, deter and detect criminal activity, and safeguard financial systems from abuse by promoting transparency in the U.S. and international financial systems. The AMI FinCEN Option will compare the most current FinCEN list against your membership, much like OFAC. This is a Federal mandated requirement that all financial institutions are required to comply with to help the U.S. fight its war on financial crimes.

OFACSDN Tracking

OFAC – Office of Foreign Assets Control
SDN – Specially Designated Nationals

In these times of increased threats against the United States of America AMI provides our customers with the latest tools to comply with Federal Regulations. The AMI OFAC Option provides you with the ability to verify your members and potential members social security numbers to the most current SDN list. This is a Federally mandated requirement that all financial institutions are required to comply with terrorism. Our OFAC Name Search Report lists the results of the comparison for your records and for any audits.

AMI also understands that with more responsibilities being put on Credit Union managers and staff there are sometimes not enough hours in the day to get done your normal tasks, thats why we give our customers options. Two options are currently available from AMI, one will allow your credit union to perform the download of the most recent SDN List and perform the match process yourself. In the second option AMI will perform the match process to the most recent SDN List and provide you a report of the results. With this second option AMI will complete the compare for you and send you a report. Either way you will be confident that your credit union is in compliance.

Metro 2 Credit Bureau Reporting

All the major Credit Reporting agencies today are requiring the new METRO 2 reporting format to increase the accuracy and reliability of your members credit information being reported. The major Credit Bureaus strongly advise all credit unions currently reporting data in formats other than Metro 2, make plans to convert to the new industry standard in the near future. The AMI System provides consistency, accuracy and compliance for your Metro 2 credit bureau reporting.

The daily workload at a Credit Union can be overwhelming enough, that’s why AMI gives you the option of reporting to the credit bureaus on your own or having AMI perform that service for you. Either way you can be sure that the information being reported on your members is in the proper format, accurate, and consistent.